Monday, April 4, 2011

My Dream Reminded Me

   Have you ever had a dream and you wake up and wonder,
"What was that dream about?"

That is what happened to me this morning, and this is how the dream went:

I was actually attending a Teen Challenge women's event, it's funny but I remember actually seeing Janie Cookes! (too funny, only God knows what that means!) In my dream I forgot my camcorder so I went back to my truck to get it. While on my way to the truck I seen this big-headed ferocious pitbull heading towards me.

As he came closer I could hear him barking, and I thought to myself "Oh my, I think he's going to bite me!" Well he did! He bit my hand, but the strange thing didn't hurt! As strange as it sounds, he actually seemed soothed and calm with my hand in his mouth. With my hand in his mouth, I was actually able to continue what I was doing. I was amazed that I wasn't in pain as I could see his sharp teeth in my hand. Then I woke up!

Laying on my bed I asked God, "What was that dream all about?" In my spirit I felt like this dream was to remind me of Luke 10:19

Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.

I felt encouraged to walk in the power that the Lord has given me, to not fear even though at times I feel like I face such BIG ferocious bites! But in actuality I am the one the enemy shall fear! (amen!)

Just thought I'd share my dream with you, and encourage you to remember that our God has given us the power to conquer all situations and things that try to defeat us! You have been equipped with everything you need to accomplish your warfare; everything you need to combat the enemy and not just combat him but to be victorious over him.
So I ask you this question today...if you possess this power, then what are you waiting for? Arise in power and take authority! love yah!

That's Life by Kimmy G.

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