Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is that a Weed?

If you don’t like where it grows, it’s a weed!
If you didnt buy it, it’s a weed!

The other day while out at our Restoration Ranch, my husband decided that he had a job that I could do...(haha, did I look like I needed a job??) Anyways, being the obedient wife that Iam (help me Jesus) I took up the challenge. I grabbed the "Round Up, Grass and Weed Killer gallon of stuff, and quickly took on this task. Armed with this heavy container that has its own lock and load spray gun I was ready to conquer these little weeds that were pestering my husband so much that he needed me to take care of it right away! So here I go pacing back and forth thru our ROCK filled driveway that is about 16ft wide by 120ft long, looking for all those tiny weeds that could become monstrous in my husband's eyes!

Soon after searching.."Ooooh, I found one!" aim..!" gotcha, take that!" a few steps later, I do the same....."Ooooh, I found one!" aim..!" gotcha, take that!"

Then I started asking God "why do you have me out here killing weeds Lord?"
then he showed me..just like we have to weed out our yards, sometimes we need to take some time to look at our own lives for weeds.Weeds in our lives? Ive listed some common weeds in our lives that could destruct our growing with God if we don't get them out!
Attitude,gossiping,cussing,jealousy,unclean thoughts,and bitterness are just a few.
I believe all our lives are susceptible to weeds...and we need to be careful not to allow weeds to grow in our lives.
So what do we do to stop the weeds from intruding our space?
Put on the full armor of God!
Ephesians 6:13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Some times we can pull out the weeds by hand,some times we need a shovel depending on how deep the weed has grown.. other times we need to SPRAY them out!
I pray that you detect your weeds that are stopping you from achieving God's best and begin to pull them out...and PRAY THEM OUT! ....." aim..!" gotcha!

Lord I pray you give us wisdom and strength to remove anything that will stop us from growing in your love. Amen.


Netsmom said...

Will a weed wacker do? Thanks for reminding me of all the 'weeds' that can creep into our thoughts and actions that are not pleasing to our Lord.

funnana said...

Kim,I never knew you had such a gift. I always felt you as a blessing. Thank you for sharing your gift.God bless you and open many doors.