Not many!
Well anyways, when I started to think about "Do your homework first" I thought about all the things I'd like to do for the Lord, bible school, memorize more scripture, post more frequent on my blog, and get involved in a critique group and the list goes on. My problem is when to do it, my days seem so full. I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way. How can we possibly squeeze in another thing to our schedules?
My prayers have been "Lord, tell me what I should be doing and when."
The answer was..."Do your homework first!"
"Oh yeah!" I answered quickly.
I was always pretty good about doing that as a kid, so I should have no problem doing it as an adult right? Wrong! Nowadays we have so many more distractions! We have our cell phones, IM, emailing, texting, facebook, twittering and thousands of tv channels!
I'm going to date myself but when I was a kid we had 12 channels, and a corded phone that barely reached around the kitchen wall enough for me to say "I'll talk to you tomorrow at school." and to play outside was a privilege I didn't want to jeopardize.
So now I'm being asked to go back to when I was a kid and Do my Homework first? What does that mean to me? It means to me that the Lord is saying "do it FIRST!"
I'm taking this as a challenge!
Matthew 6:33 (Amplified Bible)
But seek ([a]aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ([b]His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [c]taken together will be given you besides.
The challenge is to daily do that what the Lord has called me and you to do FIRST,
then do everything else after!
Now I'm not saying go quit your day job...but here are some examples I can think of:
Let your Instant Message be to God first
Don't read your emails till you've read the bible
Don't change your status on facebook till you know your status with Him
Don't follow someone else on twitter, unless you follow Him first!
Wake up earlier if you don't have time in the day.
Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Put aside time at night, instead of watching TV for a couple hours.
Study the word of God for the same amount of time it takes you to put on your makeup
I know that if we seek him first he will be so excited, remember he is a jealous God and He Loves You!
Can you think of anymore ideas that could help someone seek God first?
What do you do, Homework first or Play first and how do you plan on changing that? I'd love to hear it!
this is so true and something that i need to start doing i think if you put him first all else will fall into play and you will have even more time to do the things you want to if you do what you need to do first.. thanks kim
I needed this reminder! I do all those things first...before or instead of getting into His word. And I have my excuses....but..I get up at 5:30 to get ready for work! I gotta get up EARLIER???
I need to do my homework first before going out to play! Homework: Common homework assignments may include a quantity or period of reading to be performed (set a time frame), writing or typing to be completed (journal), problems to be solved (God can do!), a school project to be built (or faith to build), or other skills to be practiced (life skills)
The Bible gives us ALL THAT! and more!
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